
Could it happen again?

As I sit here in my room contemplating the events of today, I wonder if once again, someone in our theatre circle will loose a parent? I know God is in control, but my heart is still morns for my friend. If God chooses, He can heal her dad, but then He may chose not to. As tears flows from my eyes, every drop full of uncertainty and sadness, my heart crys "Blessed be Your name, you give and take away". As hard as it is for us here on earth to understand why God does the things he does, I know that I know that I know, the God has a plan and a reason for all of this. So even though today the world seems to be coming to an end, I find hope for tomorrow knowing my Dad knows what's best and He does answer prayers.

Job 1:21 the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.

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