This is a poem I did for my English Class.
I'm from a family where friends live far and wide
From within the great walls of China
To the small orphanage in Haiti
I come from a people who do not have a permanent house
And so, learn to constantly readjust
Adjusting to the food, random marriage proposals, and driving too
Oh, and the least favorite of all, learning a language that is new
I'm from the way of life where a voice replaces a face
And a hand written note is kept for months
Just to remind you of the smells of home
I'm from the place where the simple pleasures
Are treated as great treasures
A case of coke becomes like silver
And a cup of fresh steaming Starbucks has more value than gold
I'm from days where nothing goes right
and you don't know how God could have ever use the talk you gave
the witness you were, or the play you preformed to draw someone to Him
to seeing pictures of the hundreds who came forward after experiencing
a taste of His great love, and the good news they could be free from sin, no longer a slave
I'm from the mission field
Where my heart will forever be
Through tornadoes, earthquakes, and in the midst of wars
We serve with a smile and a heart over flowing with love
To harvest the crop, and do the work of our Father Above
I want my life to be a reflection, or mirror of God. This blog is stuff that is going on in my life and lessions God is teaching me. My prayer is that I am a reflection of Him.
Just a man on a corner
This also got me thinking. This man was being a witness for Christ, even though it may not have been the "popular" thing to do that day. Some people in the market may have laughed at this man, some may have thought he was crazy, and maybe even some thought he shouldn't be allowed to sing a Christian song like he was, but the man kept singing.
Some times in life when we witness for Christ it isn't going to be easy. We will constantly face opposition, but we must keep pressing forward. Luke 21:12-13 says "But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and will persecute you, delivering you to the synagogues and prisons, bringing you before kings" My advice today is to keep pressing forward, no matter where your witnessing leads you. You never know whom you may end up leading to the Lord.
The war in my own land
It’s true, it’s real, and I’m scared out of my mind. I hear and read stories of martyrs all of the time, but I never thought I would have to worry about a friend in the states being killed. You see, I have a friend who was involved in a gang, but now he has accepted Christ. He left the gang, and started truly living for Christ, and sharing Christ with his friends. Well, this didn’t fly to well, and now the members of the gang are out to get him. This morning he was riding his bike to school when they hit him in their car, intentionally. They drove off leaving him there, but not before warning there is more still to come.
For the past couple years I’ve been reading about the Underground and Persecuted Church, and how so many risk their lives for the Gospel. These people are my brothers and sisters in Christ, but they live in other countries. Well now, my brother in Christ is in trouble, but it’s not in a foreign land. It’s in my own back yard. I admire Alex* for the risk he is taking, but I’m asking you to please join me in prayer for his safety and the souls of his friends.
*Name has been changed for protection
For the past couple years I’ve been reading about the Underground and Persecuted Church, and how so many risk their lives for the Gospel. These people are my brothers and sisters in Christ, but they live in other countries. Well now, my brother in Christ is in trouble, but it’s not in a foreign land. It’s in my own back yard. I admire Alex* for the risk he is taking, but I’m asking you to please join me in prayer for his safety and the souls of his friends.
*Name has been changed for protection
Well, I assumed....
School has once again started. We were some of the "Lucky" few to get to start on Monday. This week has been crazy, but it's great getting to see everyone again. I was fortunate to get to start the year in amazing way though. This past weekend I went to the Big Dig, which is an apologetics conference for teens through Focus on the Family. It was nice to start my year two days after something like that. The conference was more than just learning ways to defend Creation, God taught me something. He taught me about assuming. When people assume things, rumors get started, friendships get broken, and hearts are torn in two. This weekend I learned assuming can cost someone more than loosing a friendship. Here's what happened:
My youth group got to the church where it was held at a few minutes before the doors opened. After all, we did want to get good seats. We were all stoked and ready to go, and came running in when the doors opened. Well, our excitement quickly dwindled when we realized we still had an hour and a half before it started. In order to kill time, some friends and I walked around then sat people watching. Several kids passed by chatting and talking to their friends. I didn't give even the slightest thought about that they might not be a Christian. After all, this was a Christian conference about defending our faith. Well, later that night they had an invitation for anyone who wanted to accept Christ. Several of the kids who I had saw walked down the aisle who I had seen earlier. I just assumed that they knew. This hit me really hard, because I'm sure it happens all of the time. We think, "Well they go to Christian school, they must be a Christian", or "She's in my bible study, so I know she's a Christian", or maybe even, "I read my bible everyday, pray before my meals, and even go to church twice a week, so I'm a Christian". My friends, going to church, attending a bible study or reading your bible doesn't make you a Christian anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car. The only way to become a Christian is to accept Christ into your heart. I was lucky that this time these kids were given another opportunity to accept Christ. However, next time, the people I come into contact with may never be told the gospel again. Who are you sharing the good news with?
My youth group got to the church where it was held at a few minutes before the doors opened. After all, we did want to get good seats. We were all stoked and ready to go, and came running in when the doors opened. Well, our excitement quickly dwindled when we realized we still had an hour and a half before it started. In order to kill time, some friends and I walked around then sat people watching. Several kids passed by chatting and talking to their friends. I didn't give even the slightest thought about that they might not be a Christian. After all, this was a Christian conference about defending our faith. Well, later that night they had an invitation for anyone who wanted to accept Christ. Several of the kids who I had saw walked down the aisle who I had seen earlier. I just assumed that they knew. This hit me really hard, because I'm sure it happens all of the time. We think, "Well they go to Christian school, they must be a Christian", or "She's in my bible study, so I know she's a Christian", or maybe even, "I read my bible everyday, pray before my meals, and even go to church twice a week, so I'm a Christian". My friends, going to church, attending a bible study or reading your bible doesn't make you a Christian anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car. The only way to become a Christian is to accept Christ into your heart. I was lucky that this time these kids were given another opportunity to accept Christ. However, next time, the people I come into contact with may never be told the gospel again. Who are you sharing the good news with?
This little light of mine
St. Francis of Assisi once said, "Preach the gospel always, If necessary use words". Over the past week I got to experience what he meant. I drove up to see my aunt and uncle in WI this past weekend. I had a great time with them, and enjoyed the trip. However, there was just one little problem. We had totally different worldviews. I am a Christian and a creationist and they are both atheists and evolutionist. For those of you who know me probably know that I am very outspoken, but this weekend I was told not to say anything, concerning "religion or worldview". This for me, listening to my faith and values being attacked and not "fighting back" was really hard. I was talking to a good friend of mine about the whole thing and he reminded me that we need to be a light by things other than just our speech. You may not have the chance to give your boss the gospel, but you can witness to him by not joining the office gossip. You may have a close friend who may not come to church, but you can show her Jesus by being a friend to her when everyone else turns their backs. You may not always be able to vocally share you faith, but I pray you will continue to let you light shine for Him.
To live or not to live, that isn't the question
We read about Christians heroically giving up their lives for Christ and receiving the crown of martyrdom. They deiced God was worth more than their life, so they gave it up. You may have already deiced if the time came and you had to choose between you life or God, have to pick between life or God, but there is another choice we have to make. The choice is, Will you give up your way of life for Christ? I'm not trying to take away from what the martyrs have done in any way. Many of them are great heroes, but like I said earlier, most of the people in America won't have to make that choice. Giving up your way of life is something you have to do daily, and you will give up a lot. You will have to give up your wills; desires; certain sins in your life, which you might enjoy keeping around; friends; a new job; or maybe what seems to be a chance of a lifetime. Please don't look over the past few lines and completely throw away the idea of giving up your way of life for Christ. Yes, you will loose some things, but you will gain even more than you could fathom. Don't believe me? Try it.
And the winner is...
My grandma drew the winner from our lovely tea pitcher today. The name she drew? (drum roll)
Renee G
Congratulations. You are now the proud owner of a five dollar gift card to Starbucks! Please contact asap so I can mail it to you.
Also I'd like to say "Thanks" to everyone else who entered. I hope you continue to read my blog.
In His Love,
Renee G
Congratulations. You are now the proud owner of a five dollar gift card to Starbucks! Please contact asap so I can mail it to you.
Also I'd like to say "Thanks" to everyone else who entered. I hope you continue to read my blog.
In His Love,
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